Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Wedding Inspiration

Okay, as you probably already know I'm addicted to Pinterest. So with wedding season around the corner I thought I would share with you images from our "Wedding Inspiration" board on Pinterest.  Most of the images I found on Pinterest, and I added a few from some of our favorite sites.  

Source: via Nicole on Pinterest

I think this would be a great way to greet wedding guests to the ceremony.

Source: via Nicole on Pinterest

Look for ways to add very personal touches to the wedding

Add modern touches to an old classic.

Make larger receptions feel more intimate by adding candles.

Never cut corners on photography. This is a picture of fellow South Florida blogger Jillian of Nusophisticate on her wedding day in Jamaica.   I think this is what movie directors would call the money shot.

Were you inspired? My favorite is definitely the last one.  Visit us on Pinterest to check out some more inspiration.

Debbie B.


  1. Small world! My friend Cendino was the photog :) Gonna check out her blog.

    Will add you on Pinterest.

    1. Hey West! Can you send me the link for Centino? Always on the prowl for wedding photogs I can use.


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