Friday, March 1, 2013

Miami Heat. Harlem Shake. Nuff Said.

Okay, you know I love me some Miami Heat. 
But I think this show of manly dancemania confirms why my love affair is legit. 
My Heat men doing the Harlem Shake? Priceless. TGIF!


  1. Love the Mario Kart dude. I never get tired of seeing these. My daughter's High School did one, but I can't show it because it says the name of the school. I have a friend who has never heard of the Harlem Shake.

    1. Me either. Secretly obsessed actually. Just can't believe how creative folks have gotten with these things. Your friend is so not in the know! Bring her up to speed mama.

  2. LOL! wow. i admit simply ignore the whole "hype" but lately its been right in your face so I had to pay attention and i have to say its really creative...

    Thanks for sharing!

    1. As did I! But it's so addictive. Thanks for the kudos and for stopping by.


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