Friday, July 26, 2013

Hooray, It's Da Weekend!

Chris Bosh's Baby Has A Much Better Life Than You Do
Via Deadspin
TGIF Peeps!
So, so happy it's the weekend.
I'm hanging out with my favorite little man all weekend.
Plus, after a million months of trying, I'm also finally have dinner with these two amazing clients Jina and Pat.
But first, here are some things that had me in laughing to tears or made me smile, a lot this week.
So I'm a big Jeff Lewis fan. Loved him best in Flipping Out until I saw this episode of Interior Therapy and peed my pants laughing/crying so hard at the shenanigans of the clients he had to work for. 

Jeff Lewis

Jeff, speechless, at the sight of what he dubbed the Haunted House.

Said haunted house. FYI, if I had friends who lived in a house that required that I climb 200 steps to get to the front door, then guess what? I'd NEVER visit. 

The clients, one part hilarious, two parts delusional about the state of their home. And yes, that bowtie is way too big and the pups name is Snow White. Need I say more? 

There was a fight over this hole in the wall the client called a fireplace. And then Jeff did what every single designer has wanted to do at some point in their career. He went bat-shit crazy and told the client he was the worst client he had EVER worked with in his life. It was epic. Please, please try to catch it on the replay or find it on You Tube. Just be prepared to potentially pee your own pants. You've been warned. But of course it also ends with a well designed space. 

Meanwhile over in baby land.....
Chris Bosh's Baby Has A Much Better Life Than You Do
Via Deadspin
This little man is the son of Miami Heat player Chris Bosh. This is a kid enjoying the good life for sure. But I think all Miami babies get this "how to chill by the pool memo" since my little man recently did a similar pose at our pool which I shared over on Instagram.

Then there's this little prince of Nicaragua, aka Juan Bautista who is too fab in this awesome gift from my dear friend, his Tia Sophia. I'm no baby, but I kinda wanna wear a bib that says just that. 
That is all peeps. Cheers to a fab weekend for all. 


  1. I love those bravo decorating shows, obsessed!

  2. it looks absolutely hilarious! hahaha i'm loving snow white. too cute. have an awesome weekend.

  3. I will watch any show Jeff is in! Love him! Loving the adorable babies too. Hope your weekend was fab and I see the rain has subsided, so I'm thrilled that you're finally having summer weather:-)

  4. Too funny, I love the baby on the lounge chair.....move over and let mama sit there. I loved that 'couple' on the show. Where do they find these people?


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