Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Website. A Logo. A Brand.

Nine years in the making and I think I've finally nailed it. 
Tomorrow is a big day.


  1. Thanks chica. It's like giving birth again, on some level. lol.
    And thanks too for all the blog loving/support you've shown us at LLD. You are a gem. p.s. can't seem to leave comments on your blog. Will inbox you to figure out what's wrong.

  2. oh lord. I'm so not the tech geek so hopefully I'll be able to figure it out.

  3. I'm so happy for you. I'm sure it's going to be amazing :)

    1. Hi Mia,
      Thanks for stopping by and for the best wishes. Pretty proud of the final product. Getting a website done can be a beast.
      Can you message me about the Caribbean bloggers venture? I couldn't seem to join the blog directly. Thanks

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