I know I shouldn't be blogging on holy Turkey Day, but we had to announce the winners of our first giveaway. The suspense has been killing us!
Without further ado, congrats to Rachel Hardison and Mary Beth Hamilton! Each will have a chance to pick an amazing item, valued at $80 or less, from the Nicole White Designs online store.
Thanks to everyone who entered, and became a follower of the blog, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest and took the time to check out all the goodies in the store. Stay tuned for future giveaways and be sure to check out the store for all your holiday needs.
And thanks most of all to Jessie at Mix and Chic for hosting this giveaway and for allowing me to be a sponsor. You are the best! See all the winning details here:http://www.mixandchic.com/2012/11/and-winners-of-giveaway-are.html?m=1
Now, let's all go eat.
Congratulations Mary Beth & Rachel! Lucky winners.