Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Binders Full of Women

Today, women everywhere are headed out to purchase binders - in amazing colors no less! - so they too can be included in said binders when Governor Romney commands that his people find him some qualified women!

 Binders full of women meme inspired by Mitt Romney on Tumblr of Hey Veronica (@Hey Veronica).

This was just one of the crazy moments of last night's debate.

I think the President held his own against the very aggressive and combative Mittens. To paraphrase: "No sir, I do not check my pension often because it is not as big as yours!"
What were some of your favorite moments from last night's debate?
Are ya ready to vote?


  1. When the President explain in detail his accomplishment. It was the best description he has given to date + his walk! :)

    1. He was pretty on point last night and yes, that walk has a ton of swagger aka Prez Swag!

  2. I don't live in the States but I watched the debate. I couldn't believe the binders full of women comment! Does it hurt to get hole punched I wonder...

    1. I'm sure it does! I'm pretty sure you're in Canada just shaking your head at the madness. Hope all is well with school lady.

  3. I'm so ready to vote! I wish the election was today! Because I am tired of the media twisting and over analyzing every move, word and even outfit. Obama did an excellent job this time! Jobs would be better if private industry would cooperate with him. They were the main one's laying people off. It's all because he won't give them certain things. If Mitt get's in (lord help us) all he's going to do is give navy contracts to the shipyards in Virginia and elsewhere that will deluge the job market with jobs and make it seem like he's the messiah. We already have a NEW fleet of ships that have nowhere to go. And Mitt doesn't know how to talk to people from other countries. He offended our closest ally Britain! So can you imagine him talking to people from other countries. Oh well. I could go on, but...

    1. So am I! so tempted to mail in my ballot but then I don't trust that it'll be counted! Mittens is as shady as it gets. Can't believe supporters can't see through his slick salesman rhetoric.

  4. Bwahahahha!! So funny!! Wow, I hope my accomplished, beautiful, talented, smart daughter can grow up and get her name in a binder one day, so that some idiot clueless male will then know she is looking for work. Hmm, where can you find talented accomplished women? WHEREVER YOU FIND MEN OF THE SAME CALIBER.

    1. Your accomplished, beautiful, talented and smart daughter will one day create a binder to house morons like Mittens. When she does, it'll be a binder that no one will need to access. The man is as dumb as a brick.

  5. I cannot be more ready to vote. I loved when the President said "she works for me".

    1. lol. loved that too. He should have also noted that he didn't find her in a binder. I just hope he keeps having diarrhea of the mouth with silly comments right up to election day.

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  7. Love the picture in your post. Funny! I can not wait to vote. Going to be very intense that night.

    1. Yes, that pic was hilarious. Election night will be a nail-biter for sure. Just shocking that Mittens has so much support in the beltway. Lord help us.


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