Monday, November 19, 2012

A Feature in My Hometown Newspaper

I was a baby who cried non-stop. I mean, all day/night for no obvious reason. My antics are so legendary that whenever I run into someone who knew me as a baby, the first thing they'll say to me is  "Lawd, little girl, we thought you'd be a singer! You cried soooooooooo much." Translation: You would never shut up!
The only thing that would silence me was a stack of newspapers. How ironic that I became a newspaper reporter. The irony continued yesterday when I was featured in one of my hometown newspapers, the Jamaica Observer. 
To share the journey of my years growing up in Jamaica, the struggles I had as an immigrant when I first moved to New York, and my sojourn from journalism to design, was an honor of epic proportions for me. In one final irony, the feature came about because unbeknown to be, the writer was a follower of this blog! Never underestimate the opportunities that can come about from the blogosphere.
Thanks Debbie for being an awesome blogging partner. 
And thanks Cecile, for turning a young girl's dreams into a grown up reality. Eternally honored and humbled. 


We are currently booked for all design services through December 2012. Feel free to email if you are interested in adding your name to the wait list for 2013. Nicole[@] or Dbrown[@]


  1. Replies
    1. hehe, you are too funny. But I'll swing by your office today to offer up said signature!

  2. I am sooooo happy for you! What a fabulous feature! Ohhhh, i hope you eventually do get an opportunity to design a shelter for battered and abused women/children. See, you just never know where opportunity presents itself! Guess what? I was featured in a magazine also!!! I was super excited! It's on my blog today! Again Congratulations!

    1. Thanks chica! And look at you, making waves all over Cincy and beyond. Great article and so much accomplished in just 11 months of blogging! Madness. Have a fab Thanksgiving.

  3. congrats!!! this is so exciting....Its wonderful that your hardwork and talent are being recognized.

    1. It is/was! That's probably the highlight of the year, being featured in my own little island newspaper. Quite the milestone


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