Monday, February 4, 2013

Giveaway Winner. Who Me? Yes!

 I've been obsessed with this print from Jessica over at The Aestate ever since I first saw it a few months ago.  And I mean obsessed. Dramatic, bold, sexy, I've been itching to have it in my office or use it in a project and holy moly it's about to happen. 
I opened my inbox this morning to find out that I'd won the print from Holly over at the fabulous GlamourMash.

Thanks so much Holly for honoring me with my first blogging giveaway win. Sweet! Just the antidote I needed to shake this nasty cold that's been giving me a pounding all weekend. 
Here's to a Happy Monday and a great week filled with surprises. 


  1. Oh yes!!! Congrats! SO well deserved! Where are you putting this beauty??

  2. Oh yeah! That will look great in the right spot.

  3. Congrats, Nicole!! I'm so happy it'll be going to a good home :) Can't wait to see it in your beautiful place!

  4. YAY! I totally saw this and was super excited for you. I'm dying for those lips!

  5. Niks you know the best thing about getting free stuff?....sharing them with your Bestie...LOL

  6. Yay! Congrats again! I'm happy you won!

    Holly Foxen Wells
    Be Sure to Check out The Sweet & Spark Giveaway Happening on GlamourMash Now!


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