Saturday, May 17, 2014

1 Score & 2 Decades ago.....

I do not know what future holds but I do know Who holds the future.

I wanted to write a long poetic post about all the things I've learned as I celebrate turning 40 today. The highs, the lows. My greatest accomplishments, my deepest regrets.
Instead, my 40 years can be summed up as such: I'm a woman who is thankful to have made it this far. I'm a seasoned soul, who is simply happy to be alive, healthy and loved. A woman who is grateful to have a mountain of love and support to shoulder me along this journey. Because after all, in the words of a dear blogger bestie, consider the alternative. 
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Via Pinterest
Yep. Forty is feeling kinda fabulous.


  1. Happy Birthday. The Forties were good years! You are considered an "Adult", but not middle age!!!

  2. Oh Honey to be 40 again ! Its actually a good year! Enjoy!

  3. Congratulations on living well! I can promise you, it only gets better! Happy Birthday!!!

  4. Happy, Happy Birthday!! I saw some fun shots on Instagram! My good friends tell me the fortys are the best decade yet. I agree as long as your loved and healthy you really have everything! Wishing you all the best! Cheers dear friend!

  5. Belated Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!! Woohooo!!!!


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