Thursday, June 13, 2013

Flat Weave Rugs and Things That Melted My Heart

I'd bet a $100 Jamaican bucks, that most of you have used a flat weave rug for a project or your home? They are definitely the new ish among rugs so of course I'm dishing about this trending obsession over on Houzz. Swing by and check it out.

In other news, the lil man graduated from one daycare class, to another class - across the hall. Still scratching my head about that one but hey, it was a great moment for all us parents. A moment of annoyance for him though as he cried, wishing I'm sure that we would all just go away and let them play!

Proud mama!

Yep, he was happy as punch once the hoopla was over and he could return to his normal activities i.e. playing and eating. Love that kid!
I'm in Atlanta on a business trip and this absolutely warmed my heart! A book exchange. Leave a book, take a book! Love this especially since I'm still among the few folks who must read a book in hand i.e. no E-books for moi.
Don't judge.

What have y'all been up to this week? What, if anything, has warmed your heart? Holla.  


  1. The BLH is pretty's about 45 miles from where you are...
    Love the Big Graduation Shots!!!

  2. I knew there was a reason we click! I like real books and mags too. The thought of virtual ones are a no go for me.

    1. lol. u are too funny. I've been told my obsession with real books will fade once I see how many books I can tag along on my Ipad. I say NEVER


You know we love to hear from you so yes, holla, holla back.

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