Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dear Sandy

We're old hands at living through the ravages of hurricanes here in Florida, but for our friends and family in the Northeast, a hurricane is a bit of an anomaly. As you wade through flooded streets, clear debris from your neighborhoods and grapple with the realities of having no electricity or running water for days, maybe we weeks, know that you are in our thoughts and prayers daily.
And to you dearest Sandy, what an unwelcome guest you've been. It's really time to pack up and be gone. It's been real, perhaps too much so.



  1. I've been watching the news all day yesterday and today. My prayers to all those were affected. Stay safe everyone!

  2. Prayers to everyone on the east coast. Can not even imagine what it would be like!

  3. i live in new orleans, so you know we are use to this! some of my blog readers were complaining about not having electricity for several days. i was like, be thankful you still have a HOUSE! some people (especially in NJ) loss everything. those things are irreplaceable. your situation can always be worse! whenever i feel i'm about to complain i think of those things. excellent post!


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