Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Four More Years

The country has spoken.

See results »


And now the divisive rhetoric that has prevailed for over a year can be silenced. 

I'm proud that our nation saw past the bullying, the attacks on a woman's right to choose, and the scare tactics of the nation dissolving into an economic and religious apocalypse should Republicans lose, and gave the President a second term to finish the business of getting the nation back on track.
On a lighter note, huge Kudos to Mittens for single-handedly revitalizing the binder industry and making Sesame Street and Big Bird more popular than they've ever been.

 Binders full of women meme inspired by Mitt Romney on Tumblr of Hey Veronica (@Hey Veronica).

 Now, let's get back to work!


  1. HAHAHA Girl! I was so happy for Obama and Biden I didn't know what to do!

  2. very exciting, I was pleased with the results and happy to be involved! <3

  3. Can we PLEASE fix Florida, so it is all electronic and we are not left wondering how they voted?


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