Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Xavier!

The lil man turned one yesterday. 

He had a blast with his Looney Tunes cake and decor (so did we of course hehe, what's up Doc!) and showcased his Obama/Seersucker suit on a welcome sign to remind folks to vote come election day.
I'm a lucky woman to have been chosen to bring this lil man into the world. He is the sweetest, chillest,  dude and my heart melts every time he smiles at me or simply crawls/walks over to be near.
It's been an honor to watch him grow up this year and make so many memories.

At three months

At five months

At seven months

Pool Time

Candid moments throughout the year.

Thanks Xavier, for changing my life in the most extraordinary way. Love, love and more love. Thanks even more to everyone who has grown to love him over the year as much as we do and for all the party rockers who helped make his birthday celebration a smashing soiree.


  1. I love this little man! He's adorable. Happy Birthday to him!

  2. OMG that little bow tie is killing me. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

  3. awww Happy birthday to him! He is such a cutie.

  4. awww Happy birthday to him! He is such a cutie.

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! He's a cutie patootie! I love all of his outfits and that cake is just too cute.


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