Friday, January 15, 2016

Our Guide to Gallery Wall Styling

Like the rest of the design world, we love a gallery wall and for many reasons. It's a fun way to showcase a varied mix of your artwork, to blend art with other collectibles and best of all, there are no real rules! Which means you can really mix a gallery wall with whatever the heck you want, something the rebel in us kinda loves.

We like to tie together different shapes and add a fun, unexpected piece to the wall like the "Q" seen above. A good tip is to start with the largest piece and work around that, lay all items out and start moving things around till you are satisfied...don't forget to take a picture of the placement before you start hanging!


We like the gallery wall to tell a story, the art should go together and have a similar theme. For
example, above we used the clients art from Brazil.

In this pretty master bedroom, we used family pictures and mementos around a mirror to create a vintage feel. 

Don't be afraid to start the gallery wall around a TV and try to keep the spaces in between the items the same distance apart.

Gallery walls come together organically, have fun and display things you love!


  1. Great round-up and tips! Thank you ladies!

  2. Oh, you make it look so easy! Beautiful groupings. YOU make it come together organically. The average person considers it a challenge. Great post and great work!


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