Wednesday, October 28, 2020

One Room Challenge/HPMK - Week Four


Lord help me! It's Week 4 of the One Room Challenge/Highpoint Market Edition 
and that is always a tough week because so much is happening but there isn't much to show...
If you're new here, and need to get caught up with a quickness, just read here, here and here
Here's the actual space we are working on in real life and it'll be changed dramatically of course. 

But since this ORC is all fantasy we have taken some liberties and have transformed the bones of our client's meditation retreat. Just a tad. 

Okay. I lied. We changed things a lot. Instead of windows on the main wall, we've added all glass doors. Instead of a forest of trees, we've kinda added the ocean, a few palm trees and ya know, a sleek gas fireplace😜 Next week we'll dress the walls, start layering in some furniture and packing our bags. What other must haves would you want for your own meditation retreat?
Holla below and let me know. Now let's go see what the other 19 designers have been up to. 
Also, please go vote. Our lives and sanity literally depend on it.

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