Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Our Very Turnt Up Meditation Retreat - One Room Challenge - HPMKT - Week 1

Holy one room challenge featured designer encore! Welcome to the ORC Fall 2020 roller coaster ride. I’m clearly a sucker for high pressure drama because who can forget that we completed the last challenge literally at the appointed hour. Gloribell was shooting final pics while I blogged feverishly ðŸ˜© You can see  the evidence of that high-wired reveal here

This time around the lord has stepped in to help us stay sane by making this challenge completely virtual. While our challenge is inspired by an actual project, since the goal is to design with no limits and use whatever we want, this will be a tad turnt up. Okay, a lot turnt up!

This is our design muse space but for the sake of this virtual challenge I'll be removing walls, windows, floors, essentially doing the damn most. 

Our meditation retreat, inspired by the above images, will be the ultimate escape to stay calm and sane during this Covid pandemic and beyond. The space will be a complete sanctuary where no noise or interruptions are allowed, just the warmth of a fire and the soothing sounds of water inside and outside. When you’re here only positive energy is allowed. The focus will be to completely disconnect, listen to meditative apps, music, pray, read - essentially, whatever soothes your soul.
I’m excited to show you how we will pull this all together by using our access to trade only items available at highpoint market, how we change design gears if needed and how we will do cartwheels because in this design project the budget is endless and items being on back order is NOT an option! Won't he do it!

Stick around as all 20 featured designers take you through six weeks of our  virtual process with a final virtual reveal as our grand finale. Let's do this!

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